Saturday, May 19, 2007

A placeholder, of sorts

Despite my predilection towards the complex underpinnings of seemingly-simple designs in order to ensure that it SEEMS simple to the end-user (see my real home on the web @fdiskc, and the product I work on for a living for a couple examples of such), I don't use blogger for a blog or stuff my own wordpress crap into fdiskc, or even write up my own blogging software for the hell of it. No, I use Live-fucking-journal. I'm soooo 2001 sometimes. Screw you, I live in the past because I don't have time to keep to date on the present anymore. For some things I'd just as soon use someone else's completely stupid and un-pretty platform than use any more of my precious time rolling my own (see flickr, wherein I sometimes can't even be arsed to dump my hi-res images into a fscking directory at fdiskc where my custom scripts can, in a single command, automatically resize and generate galleries that perfectly conform to the look and feel of the rest of the site, complete with embedded google adsense. No, I'm just that lazy.)

Anyhow, this is just the short way of saying, if you were looking for me here because you saw my blogger/google account posting somewhere, you won't really find much.

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